Planning for flow.



The power of a visual template grounded in the flow of a meeting’s agenda is that it can flow with the meeting itself. Even when it takes a slightly different direction.

Originally created as a space for my own graphic recording of the day’s events, the facilitators and I realized the template could actually serve as the perfect place for attendees to post their own thoughts. Each of those sticky notes you see came from the educators in the room, detailing specific ways to meet the standards of becoming culturally responsive in the classroom.

It was a valuable detour that made the end result even more meaningful, thanks to the hands-on input of the people there. I was then able to take the responses and transform them into the large-scale visual notes for which the template was originally intended.

Next step: sharing a cleaned-up, digitized version with the educators post-event, so they can reflect on — and see themselves reflected in — the visual synthesis of their time together. As inspired as I was by what they’ll be sharing with their students, I hope the image will continue to inspire + inform their journey as Culturally Responsive Educators.

P.S. The smile on my face also captures the giddiness of removing a mask for the time it takes to snap a picture after being masked for a full-day event. No complaints for the trade-off of meeting in person again. We will get there!

P.P.S. The Educator Cross Cultural Immersion course, or ECCI, is powered by the always impactful Alaska Humanities Forum. Consider following their work for more on community-based initiatives that inspire no matter where you call home.



How to cover a year like 2020.