Creating meaningful visual artifacts.

C3 Alaska Humanities Forum


My own practice of visual capture and the creation of meaningful artifacts for gatherings is evolving right along with the nature of gatherings.

I’m finding that includes cut paper, the collage, and incorporation of other images, post-it notes as building blocks, time to process and synthesize and consider, and space to create. And truly? I’m loving the result.

Of course, not all projects may require or allow a different approach – but a hybrid event with the  Alaska Humanities Forum presented the perfect opportunity. Pictured: one of three murals created for the deeply impactful C3 (Creating Cultural Competency) virtual camp for teachers from the Lower 48 coming to work in the far north school districts and communities of Alaska. 

Note that even though I’m here in Alaska, the pandemic-related circumstances kept the program online, and I was able to create the murals from my home studio. No matter where you are, we can do the same – whether with a live or recorded gathering. Once the physical murals are scanned and digitized for easy sharing, most clients opt to have them sent back to their office – or wherever they might want them displayed.

More to come, more to learn, more to create.



How to cover a year like 2020.